First, you need to write a command prompt to openAI. Use shortcodes if necessary.
For example:
This is the outline of my article by topic {topic}:
Please explain about {outline_current_point} in {language} language.
Note: writing {outline_current_point} in this prompt is a MUST, because Magipress will ask openAI to execute that particular subheading from your article outline.
Second, state the rules that openAI needs to follow. Use shortcodes if necessary.
For example,
– Insert {keyword} into the explanation naturally
Third, mention what openAI needs to avoid. Use shortcodes if necessary.
For example,
– Creating more than 5 paragraphs.
With the example above, the prompt for the Get Content (without list) is something like this:
This is the outline of my article by topic {topic}:
Please explain about {outline_current_point}.
– Insert {keyword} into the explanation naturally
– Creating more than 5 paragraphs.